Business Registration is More Fun in The Philippines
Registering a business in the Philippines is a fairly simple process in most cases. Foreign-based companies interested in setting up business operations in the Philippines must first register with the following government agencies: the PhilippineSecurities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), Social Security Service (SSS), Phil-Health, the Pag-ibig Fund and many others. Clearances must also be obtained from local governments, as well as all the necessary permits and documents for registering a business in the Philippines.  Business registration companies will assist you in determining the appropriate business vehicle for your company, whether its a branch office, domestic corporation, or representative office, and ensure that your company's business intentions, foreign ownership restrictions, tax, income and corporate concerns fit in well with the structure of your business enterprise.

Business Registration Requirements in the Philippines

Foreign-based companies interested in registering and doing business in the Philippines must obtain the necessary documentation requirements prior to business registration. Business consulting companies will assist you and your company in obtaining the necessary documents and permits, and processing these with pertinent government agencies. We will also advise you on the most appropriate business vehicle for your company, and ensure that your company's business intentions, foreign ownership restrictions, tax, income, and corporate concerns fit in well with the structure of your business enterprise.

Tax Breaks and Other Incentives in the Philippines
We, boast a qualified team of lawyers and CPAs who will assist you in determining business opportunities, and suggesting tax efficient structures for your business company. We will also assist you in obtaining registration with PEZA, BOI, CEZA, BCDA, SBMA, CDC, and other government agencies, and ensure that your company is eligible for tax breaks and other incentives, with the above-mentioned organizations.